IMAN Press Release

Sandwell Imams and Mosques outraged at the barbaric terrorist murders in Paris calling for ‘not to murder in his name’.

All member Imams and mosques of Sandwell based Inclusive Muslim Action Network (IMAN) unite in their condemnation and express their deep sympathy with sincere condolences to the families of the victims.
Inexcusably it is not the Prophet who was avenged, it is our religion, our values and Islamic principles that have been again betrayed and tainted. We were painfully getting beyond Peshawar murderous attack on the school and local Black Country Mosque bomb attacks but now this tragic event happens on our very doorsteps again triggering a cycle of fear, frenzy and aspersions. Our condemnation is absolute and anger is immeasurable against this abhorrent attack.

Under NO circumstances does Islam allow vigilante justice, for to open this door leads to further chaos, confusion and bloodshed. Attacking even a single human is regarded by Islam as grave and heinous as if killing all the people of the world!

Such callous crimes against humanity are not justified by Islam, all world religions and legal systems. Those criminals cannot be true believers of any faith. Remember Terrorists have no faith they need to be tried as most dangerous criminals a high risk to society and punished by the courts as the mass murderer Anders Breivik was successfully prosecuted by the Norwegian legal system. In this regard Norway is a shining light of justice and fortitude in upholding its many just tolerant inclusive cultural social traditions without descending into misplaced chaos of collective retribution against a section of the community for the actions of one senseless person.

Terrorists kill their own co-religionists without a second thought as reportedly the one of the first victims in the Paris attack was a Muslim police officer. This isn’t Muslim versus others but we are all victims of a twisted terrorists ideology that does not differentiate as all are seen as valid targets of their misplaced dark blind hatred.

Indeed condemnation is not sufficient. British Muslims, before anybody else, should take swift and practical action because the danger threatening Europe is a threat for British Muslims too. British Muslims are part and parcel of the European society; they have a role to play in protecting it and in promoting social peace in it.
We hope that politicians and media will not use this incident to make wrong generalisations against Muslims. Media outlets should only give their airtime and spaces to legitimate representatives of the Muslim communities not to hate mongering extremists to skew the reality further and fuel Islamophobia.
The overwhelming majority of both British and European Muslims reject such wicked unjustifiable deeds. European Muslims daily struggle as citizens, rate payers and tax payers to contribute to the building of Britain’s and Europe’s prosperity. Tirelessly working to strengthen these widely welcoming, cohesive and diverse civilisations under the protection of the rule of law.

Sandwell Imams and Mosques are urged to continue to build trust and cohesive communities utilising all interfaith, community and social pathways. We cannot be complacent in let unravel all the positive relationships and cordial harmony that exists within our diverse borough and fall prey to the terrorism. We must not let acts of criminal hatred fragment our communities.

IMAN all member organisations.

Endorsed by:
Chairman -Ragih Muflihi
Imam- Ghulam Rasool
Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust Sandwell.



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